Began playing tennis at age six...Nickname is Gilou...As a junior, he was inspired by Michael Chang, saying, "He showed me that you don't have to be tall in order to be a great player"...Father, Daniel, works for an insurance company while mother Mireille is a doctor...Older brother Jean-Marie is an engineer...Favorite French player all-time is Cedric Pioline...Hobbies include video games, rollerblading and movies...His girlfriend, Carine Lauret, gave birth to son, Timothée, on 2 September 2010…
Considers his backhand his best shot...Friends on tour include fellow Frenchmen Gael Monfils, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga and Josselin Ouanna...If he could choose a tournament to win one day it would be Roland Garros...As a kid, always dreamed of playing on a packed center court...Best moment in his career thus far is beating No. 1 Rafael Nadal in the semifinals of Madrid in October 2008...Fitness trainer is Paul Quetin and coached by former ATP pro Thierry Tulasne.
Gilles Simon
Gilles Simon
Gilles Simon
Gilles Simon